Monday, June 11, 2007

Still Hating it here....damn neighbors

OK. So beside management, my neighbors are fucking crazy. So much damn drama I want to scream. Actually I feel like crawling under a rock and not coming out. I want to sleep my life away right about now. Here's the scoop:

My son's best friend, I'll call him 'Bob' lives across the street. I like 'Bob', he's a good kid and we treat him like part of the family. He is the only one who can come and go, literally as he pleases. I really don't mind him being here, even if it's all the time. I'm just used to him and he listens to me which helps. His mom, well, I don't think she likes me that well but she's okay. I just keep my distance from her and try to be as polite as I can.

Doesn't seem so bad huh? Not really, but that's not the best part. There is another neighbor with a kid about 5 years younger than my son and 'Bob, I'll call him 'Gomer'. I know kids are innocent and are products of their environment, but I don't like him. He has a tendency to tell on people all of the time, especially if he doesn't get his way. Then his mom will go to the boys and tell them that they have to play with him etc..... like this kid, Gomer, is some angel. He's not. Arghhhhh. I don't like him and I don't want him in my house. Everytime there is some issue between the kids he is involved. If it is just my son and Bob, everything is cool. When Gomer is around, his parents (Oh, I'll have to explain them in a little bit here) have to come to me and Bob's Mom about something. It is sooooo frustrating. This kid and his parents are the source of all this drama and it is absolutely pissing me off, I'm afraid of what I might say to them if I have to talk to them about this.

OK, so if the kid isn't bad enough, the parents are absolutely fucking crazy. They are drug addicts who always call the police on everyone else. That is where Gomer gets this idea to tell on everyone all the time. I heard him following his mom down the street once and he told his mom they should call the cops. They actually called the cops on my neice cause she was driving too fast. They've done that to a few people around here. No one likes them. Ok, she's crazy and her daughter is just like her. Nosy, I'm gonna tell on you, bitch. So Gomer's dad is around now. He's been around for about two months now. Guess where he was for the first 5 years of Gomer's life???? Yup, you guessed it, PRISION. Now there are a lot of reasons people go to prision. Him, well, he went to prision after stabbing Gomer's mom in the neck, now she is permanently fucked up because of that. The police caught him in the field by our house hiding in the tall grass. He was all fucked up on coke or some shit like that. So he goes to prision. That bitch let him back into her life??? He almost killed her for God's sake. How STUPID!!!!! Ok, so she is stupid, that's fine if she wants to be killed by him, I'm sure that will happen one of these days. But first off why would or how could the mobile home park let him live here again after being a convicted felon? A dangerous, attempted murderer, convicted felon. All the while I get to live with my two children two fucking doors down.

As if that's not enough just being what it is. I get a call at work today from Larry, who is watching the kids. He says that the felon threatened to kill Bob. Bob is like 9 years old. According to my son Bob was spraying Gomer with the water hose, he went and told, so the felon decided to yell at Bob. I get home and my kids are in the house telling me that I HAVE to have this meeting with the Moms. The fuck I do. Shit, I am not going to involve myself or my kids in this drama. Fuck that. If they want to talk to me, they can call me or stop by. I believe Jarod when he says that he didn't have anything to do with it. He came in the house before all that shit happened. Even if he was there, he wasn't spraying anyone so I'm not part of this. Oh they want to drag me in but the fuck if I'll let em'. If they do come talk to me I'm gonna tell them exacly how I feel. As pissed as I am right now, it wouldn't be a good time. If they know anything about me, I hope they know to stay away for a little while. What's the big fucking deal anyway?? So what if this kid was sprayed, it wasn't a fire hose that hurt him and it was 90 degrees today, he should be fuckin thankful.

Oh, another thing, Bob's mom is way too hard on Gomer. She punishes him for whatever the other crazy bitch says he did. I think that's wrong. She is soooo mean to him, that's why he spends all his time here.

That's all I have for now. I have more important things to worry about than this he said she said crap. Kids are kids, they're not always perfect. If someone comes to me about something my son did, I will talk to him about it and explain why it wasn't right. If it's more serious than the above matter, I will punish him, but it's not going to be in front of anyone else and I'm sure as hell not going to say he can't play with this one or that one ever again. How else are they going to learn how to handle diversity and conflict?? Are they teaching those kids to run away as soon as conflict comes up? By not diving into the drama, is that what I'm teaching my kids??

Damn it this parenting shit just gets harder and harder. WTF. And I was worried when they were babies! lol.
