Thursday, May 29, 2008

I finally did it!

I finally broke it off with L. Seriously this time, we are through and he knows it! Woot Woot! Of course the first week was pretty rough, with L. constantly asking me the same questions over and over, "Don't you love me anymore?" and "So we're not together?" How frustrating to have to reapeat myself, especially with words that are so harsh, saying them to someone I've been with for so long and that I do truly care about. I am stronger than ever though, not backing down, standing my ground. We are not together and we are seeing other people and no, there isn't anyway to work it out. Been there, done that, it doesn't work. It is time to move on for my kids and myself. It's amazing how calm and relaxed I feel these days. I keep thinking it's depression, but really I'm not feeling depressed. It's odd.
Of course, he has tried to hurt me. He isn't going to pay me anymore on his own. He said he's going to move his ex-wife in with him. He also said that he's going to sign away his rights to the kids (which did hurt). He found out, however, that he can do that but it doesn't relieve him of his financial responsibility, he'd still have to pay child support. So, I'm waiting for the paperwork in the mail and going to go forward. I'm probably going to have to move out of my house and get an apartment, but I'm looking forward to a new start.
I'm seeing someone else now. Trying to take it slow, at least I am. lol. He's a nice guy and hopefully he stays that way, you just never know. I like him though, so that's a start. The next year or so should be interesting. I'm excited to start anew, yet afraid at the same time.