Saturday, July 29, 2006

I'ts been a week. Nothing exciting has been happening really. I lead a pretty boring life.
- Hanger upper and I are still talking.
- Work has been a little stressful
- 'Dipshit' is still...stressful
- The kids, well guess what? You got it! Stressful

Which one do I wanna talk about? hmmm. I pick work.

I love my job. I do a lot of different things, unfortunately none of them enough to master because I'm too busy doing too many different things. See the problem with that? I'm the type I want to know how to do everything right. Being rational, I know that's not possible. But at work you'd think I'd have something that I know how to do well. Ok, so I can answer the phone pretty well, I guess. How hard is it. All I have to say is good morning/afternoon, the business name, my name. Most of the time I get to correct the doll (thanks for that one dirty). The calls that are for me are billing questions or request for invoice copies. Nothing too exciting.
I love applying payments, credits etc.... I hate making the collection calls. It's okay, I guess. I don't get yelled at, at least. I talk to commercial customers mainly and in order for them to pay us they need to get paid from their customers, so they's just business. I have to take care of this account we call route delivery. It's very difficult to manage because of the volume and turn around so that I've had some struggles with it. I'm getting better at it though.
I'm in the process of becoming responsible for printing statements. I did this on my own for the first time on Wed. There were a couple mishaps, but all in all it went well. I was surprised. The main task that I deal with constantly is putting together the daily paperwork for all of our stores 16 in total. Most of the managers do a good job with their paperwork, but there are a couple that I just want to call and ask 'How many times do we have to ask you?' to do something a certain way. Some of them just don't give a shit - they keep their jobs regarless and their used to doing it a certain way - so their not going to change. Needless to say, I hate opening their envelopes.

Anyway, that's about it. I'm tired. it's 12:12 am and I have to get up at 4:30a to get ready for work, the other job.


Something dirty said...

Yer welcome!

My job is sort of like yours, I have much less responsibility though.

I'm glad you are still talking to hanger upper. Hopefully you guys can get through the, er, communications issues or what one might call the 'hanging upping'

shorty said...

It's quite a habit to break, I guess. I should tell him that i refer to him as the hanger upper, see what he says. Think he'll hang up on me?! lol. I won't do I'll just give him my blog address. I was thinking about it. Not sure yet. Probably shouldn't than I can't talk shit. Hmmmm. Decisions. We had a really fun conversation last night. It was very nice. Damn him and his subtly (? spelling) sweet ways.

Something dirty said...

Ah! Subtlety! I don't know how to spell that! I used to be a good speller. Anyway, I miss subtleness.