Thursday, April 12, 2007

The extent of my gaming

Atari - #13 on the top 50 best tech gadgets according to PC World.

Now I don't know to what extent I should trust this publication, but considering my knowledge, anything is probably better than nothing.

Just that word, and looking at a picuter of an ATARI brings back memories. My favorite game, as sad as it is, I forgot the name, where that little guy has to swing on a rope over this lake/pond and if he falls he gets eaten by alligators. Of course there was a little more to it but I loved that game. Pac-Man was so much easier on the joy sticks. All the games were actually. Kids these days just pick up on how to play these complicated games. How do they do it? I just can't get into it. I'm tired; that's all I've got for now.


Something dirty said...

We had an Atari back in the day, what I mostly remember about it was my brothers wouldn't let me play. Sniff. Poor me.

Anonymous said...

i wish i could remember that game too. was that also the one where he swung from vine to vine and shit? i loved that game. sucked at it, but loved it. something with 'pit' in the title? oooh i loved digdug too. that i think was my very favorite. was that even atari? my mind escapes me.

shorty said...

Yes! Wasn't it Pitfall? That's it, I think. Oh sweet memories. I'm not sure about digdug, I remember it being in the arcades though. I also like that one with 2 army tanks in like a square thingy and you had to shoot at each other, that was pretty cool.

shorty said...

and what's up with the brothers not letting you play. That is not right. I want to get an Atari again. I think they are selling them again, or something similar just for nastalgia sake. That would be cool. Jarod has his Xbox, I'll have my Atari.