Thursday, September 06, 2007


I really don't like being a mother. It's probably the worst role that I have. The constant fighting between my kids is driving me absolutely fucking bonkers. I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY FUCKING MORE!!!!!! Everything would be just fine if they would stop fighting. GOD DAMN IT!!! And they don't fucking listen. I hate yelling but sometimes I have to just to get their attention. I really hope they "get it" soon. Stop fucking fighting, telling on each other. I don't give a shit who did what first. Just knock it off I tell them. I didn't see who did what first, I don't care. Just stop. Then they cry and whine about how I don't care bla, bla, bla. Every fucking day. God when will this end? Ever?

Don't get me wrong. Just cause I don't like being a mother doesn't mean I don't love my kids. I do. I love them dearly and would give my life in a hearbeat to save theirs. Honestly, I just don't like them all of the time.

Does this make me a bad Mom? I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who feels this way.


Unknown said...

here's a solution

cage match.

let them completely duke it out and totally whale on each other.

when it's all over say "look! your toy is still broken" or whatever it is that started them at it... then follow it up with a nice snide "dumbass"

shorty said...

lol. That's a great idea. I will leave the name calling to Larry though. He's really good at that.

Something dirty said...

I don't know from personal experience, except for the fact that I was and still am a shitty kid to my parents. But I bet a lot of moms feel that way some of the time at least. I know some women react badly when they hear another mom say that, but I have a feeling that it's because they feel like that but can't deal.

Anonymous said...

you're not a bad mom just cuz you can admit that they make you crazy. i think you're better off cuz you can vent about them and not take it out on their hides.
the cage match is a great idea, but if you don't have a cage just kick their asses outside. after they have nothing to fight over out there they'll get bored fast. then maybe they'll come in and shut it.
or you can keep them inside and take all the things they fight over away. but then they'll just bug you...outside. all the way. and don't let them back in. until you have to.
i have little patience for kids. they know better than to fuck around by me.
we play that game of who can be the bigger bastard--turns out, i can! lol