Friday, August 04, 2006


Tonight was the 'superbowl' for my son's 3-4th grade flag football summer league. This is almost the best part of my summer, for a few different reasons. I love being the Mom that shows up. I do when I can, which is most of the time. I think it's so important for kids to know that Mom and Dad are there for them in their shining hour. I'm always saddened when I see Parents dropping the kids off, literally, while barely slowing down to let the little munchkins get out.

Observing your children in a team atmosphere is important. Now, my son may act differently if he knows I'm not there, I can't be certain. What I have seen is encouraging. Now this may seem like a small insignificant observation to you, but for me it spoke volumes of my son's character. I noticed when one of the children's flags were pulled and lying on the ground, he would pick it up and hand it to the person it belonged to. So many times I see boys walk around it, careful not to step on it, waiting for it's rightful owner to pick it up. Other times I see boys pick it up and 'throw' it at/to the person it belongs to. Throw it...hmm...flags don't fly well and usually end up back on the ground again where the rightful owner has to pick it up. These types of actions, for me, represent respect or lack there of.

Another thing I noticed is my son's tendency to share. He shares the ball, cause that's what you do in football. At least in this flag football league, everyone should get a turn. Coach makes sure of that when he's observing, as does the referee, though not as well (it's an age thing). It infuriates me when there are 2-3 players on the team that have to do everything. When they're quarterback, they have to run it; let someone else touch the ball? no way Jose. If they're not, well they ususally end up with the ball - hogging. Someone needs to teach these children to take turns. Mommy and Daddy should have taught little Billy that being a ball hog is bad - not good.

Now, I don't say anything. I do talk with my son about actions and consequences. I do tell him to speak his mind, but to do it carefully, without disrespecting others. At least I try, anyway. That's my intention. I tell him to speak up when he hasn't had a turn at a specific position, but don't push, physically or with a crappy tone. I'm proud of him. He has a heart of gold and a laugh that's contagious. He's common sense smart, unlike myself at that age. Oh, the joys of motherhood. I talk a lotta shit about how horrible it is to be a Mom, but deep down, I love every minute of it, especially after days like today.

Oh another reason I love summer flag football...I forgot to mention. Ooh la la, good looking men who love football. (Yes, I'm talking about the fathers, coaches, referees). Jeez.

Until next time bloggers and bloggettes.


Something dirty said...

Awesome! You are a good mom.

shorty said...

Aww shucks. Thanks.

shorty said...

You are the only one who comments on my blogs. :) cause you do :( cause others don't.

Something dirty said...

That happens to me too. I went thru a real dry spell, and I took it kind of personally. But I found out, and I bet this is true for you too, that people read it and sometimes just don't have anything to say. I think it's ok just to say, amen, or I agree or whatever, doesn't have to be a deep comment. That's why I just put whatever's in my head.

shorty said...

I hear ya. I know it's not personal. It's just boring that way.

I do feel a lot better after I write something though. That's a plus.